Here’s all of the Caboodles I’ve bought. Part 2

Gotta love a Caboodle!

Here’s part 2 of my Caboodles.


I found this square shaped Caboodle that opened sideways (didn’t know they existed) and thankfully all trays and pieces were intact. It’s the Designer Slide Tray With Mirror #2722 from the 80s/90s and cost $91.94AUD. They do come in other colours and a Barbie version.


This shape was also new to me. It the Designer Series with Mirror #2762 from the 80s/90s and unfortunately is missing its main tray and smaller dividers. It cost me $81.20AUD.


I LOVE this one and have always lusted after it. The Jewelry 2-Tray #2425 is lined with faux velvet and has a mirror. It cost me $109.45AUD.


And this one!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!! The Specialty Nailcare Organizer #2700 from the 80s/90s. It has a removable tray that you can store cotton wool, nail polishes, etc, but is missing the dividers for the bottom section. I actually hugged this when I opened it. It cost me $103.58AUD.


And this…the Jewelry 1-Tray Without Mirror #2400 gorgeously pink and faux velvet lined. It cost me $70.38AUD.


And here’s two of the new style ones. The Cosmic Rainbow Rad round container, and the Galaxy Glam mini. The Galaxy Glam was bought off Fishpond for $31.58AUD. The Cosmic Rainbow from Amazon for about $25AUD.


The plastic isn’t as strong and durable as the old style ones, but then they reorganised their company and overhauled themselves, so it must be cheaper.

That’s it for my new Caboodles, next week I show off my Sassaby containers.


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  1. The Tote Trove July 1, 2020 at 7:06 am

    Let’s hear it for oodles of Caboodles! They’re all awesome! The Cosmic Rad Rainbow round one is my favorite. I love how little and cute it is, and the rainbow swirl closure is cool. I recently got a yellow (rectangular) one with a rainbow too. 🙂
    The Tote Trove recently posted…Beef vs. Leaf: Hooray for Hippie CarnivoresMy Profile

    1. Jewel Divas Style July 2, 2020 at 5:02 pm

      They are very cosmic, Tote.


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