For those who wonder why these Monday style posts are most times only filled with one pic, it’s because I am a 24/7 carer for my mother and am generally home during the week, hence the one outfit post from Saturdays, the one day I get to go out. It’s hard work being a carer, it means you don’t get to have a life, go anywhere, do anything, so, no reason to wear an outfit everyday and chew through clothes just for the sake of these posts. And I’m not into trying on clothes just to take pics either. Some weeks I’m out on Wednesday for my chiro appointment but I usually wear tshirts so no need as you’ve seen them. Or there was the odd dentist for me or doctor appointment for mum, again, few and far between. So, just the one outfit again this week.


TOP: Crossroads for $15

JEWELLERY: Jewel Divas Aztec Set (earrings Lovisa, necklace re-purposed from Lovisa and ebay necklaces, Jewel Divas bracelet stack right hand), chain store bracelet stack (left hand), and rings.


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  1. The Tote Trove August 26, 2014 at 1:07 pm

    Great earrings; if I had pierced ears, those are the kind I’d wear.

    As you say, life doesn’t always offer us opportunities to be glamorous. It’s wonderful that you take care of your mother, and all the more admirable that you still make time for your blog and business..
    The Tote Trove recently posted…Charmed, in Store, and a Shutterbug ShowdownMy Profile

    1. Jewel Divas Style August 26, 2014 at 2:02 pm

      Lol, Tote, I’m surprised I still manage as well. Thankfully she only needs me for food and getting up and down or in an out of bed, so she’s happy to sit all day watching tv while I do the housework and run around to the shops.


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