MY STYLE: October 2023

October’s been pretty good, weather-wise, warmer days, some even warmer days, but also some cool, most of the month averaged 18-25 degrees celcius. So tops and kimonos came to the fore to keep my skin from the sun and stay cool on the warmer days.


I started off with blue paisley in a kaftan top and kimono.


Walked like an Egyptian with high vis colour.

Didn’t stop the day from being utter shit, but then that was the fault of the manager at my local post office where I’ve been going for 29 years. I won’t be setting foot in it now unless I need to pick up a parcel, and that’s rare, these days.


Got some sunny yellow days and some aqua skies going on.


Ended the month off with studs and Aztec. Haven’t worn this jewellery set for awhile.


There was a sneaky little Halloween outfit that you can see via the Jewel Divas Style socials, or at the bottom of this website in the Insta reel.



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    1. Jewel Divas Style December 4, 2023 at 3:27 pm

      I agree!


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