My Personal Collection: Pink clothes

Pink clothes part 2 today.

I got this top from a Goodwill, it has sparkles through it and is nice and light for summer.
I didn’t even notice the actual photo on the front of this Salvos top when I bought it.
This is the smilie hoodie that I made the smilie earrings for. Another op shop find.

My sleuth tshirt. I’m a Nancy Drew nut and so bought two of these. One to wear, one to keep.

And this is a sarong I got from another op shop. I sowed it up and turned it into a skirt and added sequins in matching colours.

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1 Comment

  1. The Tote Trove August 5, 2011 at 8:45 pm

    Love the lips tee. And the “sleuth” tee is also fun; I used to read a lot of Nancy Drew too.


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