2023. New Year. New Audit. New Bargains!


It’s that time of the year again. Time for the yearly wardrobe audit, where I get into the number I threw away, and the number I bought.

It’s good to stay accountable for what one buys, as well as what one throws out, or gives away.


Sent packing in 2022…

15-20 pieces of clothing. Not much, and I did lose count after the final paperwork overhaul, but it wasn’t much more than this.

I didn’t get rid of any jewellery or accessories as I’ve honed that down well over the years.


Bought home in 2022…

75 pieces of clothing.

11 pieces of jewellery.

10 pieces of accessories.


Bringing that to a total of…

Clothing – total pieces: 630 

Jewellery – total pieces: 2324 

Accessories – total pieces: 459 


I do love to know how much I have and how much I’ve spent, it helps hone in on what it is you want, need, and can do without.


And without further ado, here’s what I bought over the holidays.

Top row: A metallic blue blazer from the op shop for $9 (already worn). A gorgeous blue green kimono (I cut off the tank that was connected to it)(and I’ve already worn it) from Millers for $20.

Bottom row: BeMe brand kimono from eBay for $29.95, and a stunning Avon tropical leaf kimono from eBay for $24.90 (also already worn it).


The same day I found the metallic blue blazer, I also found a metallic blue spotty top to go with it.

Top row: Metallic spots from a different op shop for $7 (already worn). A gorgeous Millers top from eBay for $20.05.

Middle row: Both from Millers, both $20. A gorgeous aqua kaftan top (already worn it), and a gorgeous green and pink leaf top (also already worn).

Bottom row: MTV pink t-shirt from Kmart for $12, and a Millers green paisley top for $20.


I also scored all of these pants from Millers. From full length, to knee length and 3/4 length.

The blue stud was $15, the rest were $20 each and I’ve already worn some.


Had my eye on the Bride of Frankenstein for a while, so grabbed it, along with a vintage 1974 (with crown no less) from Redbubble for $14.04 each.


Also found these three Simpson’s t-shirts from a local store for $7 each on sale. Score!


These are two of the pieces of jewellery I’ve acquired in the last few months. There is more, but I’m saving those for another day.

Pink bangle, $2 from an op shop. Phone necklace, $96.66 from eBay.


Three pairs of brand new sandals from Styletread, all Diana Ferrari brand.

Tops were $99.99, the others were $79.99 each, and I’ve also worn them already.


And, of course, bags came to stay as well.

Two clutch bags from Depop. Old jewellery brand label, $40 for both. Will probably never use them, I just wanted to have them for having sake as something from that label. And a gorgeous, Megan Hess/Elizabeth Arden bag, $7 from the op shop. Apparently there’s quite a few pieces like this, in blue or red colourings, but I’d never seen them before. I walked in the op shop, took one look, went, yep, I’m taking that. And it goes with all of my Megan books and stationery that I keep buying.


So that’s it for the yearly audit, and the fashion and accessory goodies bought in December and January. 

Did you guys get some good bargains in the chrissy and new years sales, or scour eBay or some other store?


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  1. the tote trove March 8, 2023 at 2:42 pm

    I always love this exercise. Not only does a wardrobe edit help declutter, but sometimes you stumble upon combinations you never considered. Love the new jewels and the blue lady tote bag! 🦓📞💙
    the tote trove recently posted…City Pretty: In Good CompanyMy Profile

    1. Jewel Divas Style March 8, 2023 at 10:17 pm

      She is a prize worthy of $7.


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