LEGAL ISSUES: My trade mark opposition is still going.


Well, my trade mark opposition has been dragged out for another month.

It would seem that the company opposing me just loves doing it for the hell of seeing who shuts down first. It isn’t going to be me.

For those that don’t know, I was trade marking my name and logo, in the header above, and during the opposition period the lawyers for the company that owns a big chain store decided my name was too similar to theirs.

Hence, they have dragged it out since September of last year. Now I received a letter from them this week saying they’ve asked for one more month to get their evidence together.

I don’t know what evidence they need, they clearly are trying to get dirt on me, but there isn’t any.

I suppose I’m going to have to prove who I am, where I live, and when I started the business. God, it’s just a website.

This is boring me to death and I’m done with it. I only hope it ends next month.



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