Still waiting for my first sale.

Still waiting for my first sale at It’s really hard trying to get your jewellery out to the world and find ways of advertising for free. Flyers in shopping centres, joining magazine sites and on Facebook, Myspace and Twitter.

I think the problem is, that magazines are so set with the designers they do use, that they don’t tend to try anyone else. So that makes it even harder for those of us struggling to get out to the world.

And if you’re like me, and don’t have resources close by, like markets, stalls, businesses that sell for you on consignment, then it makes it even harder.

And even the people you DO hand cards out to don’t buy. They say how nice everything is but they just don’t buy.

I have a website, where in the dashboard, it allows you to see what visitors have been searching for. Someone searched for Anne Koplik. I had no idea who she was, or why people would be searching for her at my site, where it clearly states original and one of a kind jewellery and accessories, but they looked for her anyway. Mind you, she has her own website, so I have no idea why they thought I’d stock her.

Well, must go, and see if I can get myself advertised for Christmas. And to those that follow me, it you know someone who would be interested in what I sell, then please let them know about my website.



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