FASHION STYLE: The Fabulously Glamorous World of The Honourable Miss Phryne Fisher, Lady Detective, part 5

The glamorously fabulous lady detective, The Honourable Miss Phryne Fisher, (pronounced Fry-nee) swans into early 1929 Melbourne, fighting injustice with her pearl-handled pistol and her dagger-sharp wit is back tonight on the ABC, with more mystery, more suspense and more of that amazingly glamorous wardrobe for all to see.

It was hit and miss in the boxing for Phryne, finding out that muscle does not always equal a good roll in the hay!

I love this coat! They made the hat to match from the same material. The fabric for Phryne’s ‘Harlequin Coat’ was sourced in Italy, and is absolutely fabulous! I would LOVE a coat like this!


I would love a coat like this too!


one must always get around in a gold ankle length gown, diamond headpiece and fur stole.missfisher33

For an attempted roll in the hay with a boxer, go for a little peach pant suit number.


And if you’re going to go on a roller coaster, you won’t need a hat but be prepared to hold your skirt down!


Stay tuned for the glamorously fabulous lady detective, The Honourable Miss Phryne Fisher, tonight, 8:30, ABC

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1 Comment

  1. Katie November 21, 2016 at 5:49 pm

    Amazing dresses.All dresses are beautiful.Miss Phryne Fisher you really got a very good personality.I definitely imitate these dresses for my Wardrobe.All dresses have different looks,shades which are very attractive.Thanks for posting!


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