What Can You Do if You Can’t Afford a Varidesk? Make your own!



A lot of people are raving about Varidesks, an awesome desk top contraption that you sit your laptop on and when you feel like standing, or sitting, you just raise it up like Josh Groban, or lower it way down like Elvis Presley.

But considering they are hundreds of dollars and not everyone can afford one, or have the space for it, what can you do to raise up your pc? Well, scrounge around your home and re-purpose whatever you can.

I did!

I found an old vacuum cleaner box…


Filled it up with old Amazon and post boxes for strength and sticky taped it closed.

JDS - FILL BOXBelow is my desk when I’m sitting and using the pc.


Below is my desk with the box and my pc sitting on it…as you can see it doesn’t take up much room, less than a Varidesk would.


And this is how it looks when I use the cooling fan booster to put my pc up even higher. There’s also room for my mouse and pad… Geez, I need to clean the screen, don’t I?


I can now sit and stand at my desk, taking it in turns. My chiro didn’t like me sitting all the time and I suffered immense back pain by the end of a day after sitting. Now, I stand in the mornings while I check out social media and do my business, then I have lunch and sit in the afternoons to write. I have much less back pain, although, being flat footed, I do suffer immense foot pain, but I’m working on it.

So, do you guys have a Varidesk? Can you afford one or have you made one yourself by re-purposing something from around the house?


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