MY STYLE: September 2021

Ah…spring may have sprung but it wreaked havoc on my sinuses, my head, and my momentum.

After a sluggish winter, mentally, physically, and creatively, I decided to take a break from what I WAS doing and try and do a mind reset of everything moving forward. 

I’ve sort of succeeded, but have more work to do. Meanwhile, let’s spring into spring with September in outfits.




Don’t mind the dirty look I’m giving you in the bottom right pic of the first outfit…


Dug out my city chic gal top that I haven’t worn in years, and Miller’s kimono jacket that I’ve been too scared to wear in case I hitch it.


It’s not easy being green… (because I’m out of pink) But now I know how Kermit felt as seen by my finger in the top right pic. Damn I miss my lipstick. I look so washed out!


Back in pink with butterflies for the warmer weather.


And I ended the month off in a vintage ’80s yellow blazer that I STILL have from the ’80s, and my ’90s X Files t-shirt. Plus, my earrings look even more awesome after I joined them up! But I felt so naked without a necklace or three.


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  1. the tote trove October 11, 2021 at 10:50 am

    Black and yellow is one of my favorite color combinations (I recently started a Pinterest board dedicated to it called Bee-you-ti-ful Black & Yellow Fashion). So, I absolutely love your last look! The fact that the blazer is vintage makes it even more awesome. 🙂
    the tote trove recently posted…On Her Own but Not Alone: A Woman of Her WorldMy Profile

    1. Jewel Divas Style October 13, 2021 at 8:51 pm

      Thanks, Tote. I’m surprised it still fits all these decades later.


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