MY STYLE: Red and Black

Only one outfit last week and it was a busy day. The rest of the week was busy too but you don’t need to see what I wear around the house.




BLOUSE: Target from 2014 bought for $40. I don’t normally spend so much on a top, waiting until it’s on sale, but I bought this when I found it. Now I’m not so sure about it. It looks big on and doesn’t really do anything for me.

TANK: Simple red tank from Kmart for $4

JEANS: Usual Kmart blue ones

SHOES: Boots I bought off mum a few years back.

JEWELLERY: Jewel Divas bracelet stack (right arm) and long necklace. The other necklace, earrings and rings are from Lovisa, the hand bangle from eBay.



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