MY STYLE: August 2021

Just because that fuckwit called Covid means I have to cover my face with a mask, doesn’t mean I still can’t dress to the nines. Freezing weather came with August, but then again it is still winter, so I got out the wool to rug up at the beginning and ended up back in kaftans as the weather warmed.


Hoodie in Aztec but I walked like an Egyptian in my jewels.


Brought out a cape to go flying (get it?) with the top. Matches well and I pulled some faces.


And then we come back to Aztecs. I lightened the photos a little too much, but my Aztec men match this kaftan top well. Not that I meant it to. I just happened to make the jewellery about a decade ago and then bought the kaftan a few years ago. Matches perfectly.


And I ended the month wearing my “if the crown fits, wear it” top, something I haven’t worn for a couple of years. Teamed it with pearls and my Missoni overcoat that I’ve never worn for fear of hitching it on something. But it matches well and I actually look slim in these pics. Talk about optical illusions.



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  1. the tote trove October 11, 2021 at 10:30 am

    You look great, and are so funny! Love these lines: “Hoodie in Aztec but I walked like an Egyptian in my jewels.” “Brought out a cape to go flying (get it?) with the top. Matches well and I pulled some faces.” And your Missoni piece is beautiful. What a find! 🙂
    the tote trove recently posted…On Her Own but Not Alone: A Woman of Her WorldMy Profile

    1. Jewel Divas Style October 13, 2021 at 8:42 pm

      Thanks, Tote. The Missoni (technically an overcoat) came from target many a year ago.


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