My Personal Collection: White jewellery

So here is part 2 of my white jewellery.

Got this big chunky necklace form a chain store for $3.33 on sale.

Got this necklace on ebay to go with the one above.

Pearl ball I got in a bulk lot I bought on ebay.

Gold necklace I got with the white one.

Cute Russian doll necklace from a chain store for $2.

Gold pearl necklace I got with the pearl ball on ebay.

Gorgeous cameo necklace I bought on ebay. I call this a set in progress as I’m looking for earrings, bracelet and rings to go with it.

Gold pearl robot necklace I made over easter.

This is a Samantha Wills 1972 necklace I got in a bulk lot of ebay a couple of months ago. It’s broken on one side and the chain is no longer gold, but I’m looking at ways of fixing it.

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