My Current T-Shirt Addiction

My addiction is nothing new. Just an addiction that’s been on the back burner for quite a few years.

Back in the 90s and noughties, I amassed quite a collection of printed tees that I still have most of. But recently, thanks to me joining TikTok and needing clothes to do videos in, and figuring I may as well show off that t-shirt collection, I decided to binge and buy some more.

And so along came RedBubble, and over $400 and 2 bulk buys later I have 18 t-shirts. I also bought a few from eBay.

Now while I congratulate the designers who use the website to sell their wares, the printing process leaves a lot to be desired.

RB use an Aussie printer for their clothes and sadly, many are not printed straight, but for the price of between $23 and $28 for t-shirts you won’t really find anywhere else, it was essentially a bargain.

And so, without further adieu, here are this year’s t-shirt collection.


I went with the writer theme and bought the Castle and Murder, She Wrote t-shirts to go with my collections.

I then went with the brother from another mother, author, Stephen King.


Hit up some 80s themes with gals and creatures.


Went for 80s superheroes.


And then went OUTRAGEOUS! with Jem and the Misfits t-shirts, and some goth horror tops.


I got this The King t-shirt on RB, and found the rest on eBay.


I bought the Outsiders t-shirt to go with the book I’ve had since the 80s.


I’ll probably buy a few more by the end of the year, but so far, the printing is leaving a lot to be desired.


Have you guys bought a bunch of printed tees lately?


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  1. the tote trove July 25, 2022 at 11:43 am

    What a collection! I love the Jem (of course!), Fraggle Rock, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Golden Girls (another no brainer) ones the best. I bet they really pop on TikTok!
    the tote trove recently posted…How Slow Can You Go? Turtle PowerMy Profile

    1. Jewel Divas Style July 25, 2022 at 12:41 pm

      They do tend to stand out.


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