HOW TO: Get your jewellery designs into a beading magazine

Apparently it’s not that hard. All you have to do is check out all of the beading mags and if they want you to email them some pics, then do it!
Back in January I picked up the latest copy of Australian Beading and checked out the reader’s gallery. You could send in pics of your latest creations and I sent in about 6 via email.
That was back in January!!!!
The magazine comes out every two months, and because many of them come wrapped in plastic, due to a free copy they give away with it, I’ve been unable to check them out. So, I used my library.
Last Saturday I saw the new edition on the shelf and had a flick through, and there on page 134, were two of my designs. 

And ironically, I had chosen to wear my Deep Ocean Diver set that day, as seen on MY STYLE:WHAT I WORE on Monday.

I’ll be checking out more magazines, and not just Australian ones.




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