HOME & DÉCOR STYLE: Wood hearts and symbols from Typo

So a few months back I got these wood symbols and heart  from one of my favourite shops, Typo!

wood letters

I got all four for just $10 and bought a pink heart as there was no blues 🙁

plain heart

The symbols are white and they offer ideas on how to decorate by having decorated ones on their shelves.

# plain

Can’t remember what they are made of, probably fake wood so you don’t get splinters

& plain

@ plain

I wanted to decorate them with my fabric paints which are also good for painting other things. Since the heart was already pink, I decided to simply use my Fuchsia glitter paint and smother it.

glitter heart

I chose Aqua green for the hashtag.

# symbol

Red for the “and” symbol

& symbol

and blue for the “at” symbol

@ symbol

I only painted the fronts and sides, leaving the backs and bottoms free from paint.

I currently have the @ symbol sitting on my pc modem, the heart sitting on animal print jewel box you can just see in the pictures, and the & and # sitting on my book case with my Nancy Drew books as I don’t really have any other place to put them. My house is way too crowded and I just don’t have the ability to spread my goodies out anywhere. Wish I did 🙁

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  1. amy wood September 10, 2014 at 2:17 pm

    Hey there where id you buy this stuff do you have a link.. would like to get some of these thanks!


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