BOOK STYLE: Fashion 101

If you want to know what goes into the clothing you buy and where it’s actually made, not in Italy or France like you thought, then these books are for reading. They both cover similar areas and you will find some details in both books, but if you’re interested in what goes on behind the scenes of shops, their factories, and the people that actually make the clothes you wear, read these.
Fashion Brands, by Mark Tungate
Overdressed, by Elizabeth Cline
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  1. The Tote Trove January 4, 2013 at 10:20 am

    Very interesting. I fear I may give up shopping if I learn too much!

  2. Jewel Divas Style January 8, 2013 at 9:22 am

    Well it would at least help you decide which brands to go for and follow those that stand for the same things you do.


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