RSL ART UNION: Draw 333 now open!

Let’s start the blog posts with some good news!

The RSL Art Union Draw 333 is now open for buying tickets. It features a mega expensive Sydney apartment or 2 million dollars.

It comes fully furnished as they all do and features a pool shared by the whole block, seaside views and views of the harbour bridge, which would have been handy on New Year’ Eve with the Sydney Fireworks.

Tickets are available here, and you have a choice. Live in Sydney or take the two mill.

RSL 333.1 RSL 333.2 RSL 333.3 RSL 333.4 RSL 333.5 RSL 333.6

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  1. The Tote trove February 2, 2016 at 4:00 pm

    Another glam prize! Love the new layout, by the way, especially the rainbow star background.

    1. Jewel Divas Style February 2, 2016 at 6:30 pm

      Thanks Tote!


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