MY STYLE: July 2021

Ah July…

We shared some good times, we shared some bad times.

We shared the most freezing day of the year so far, and shared some germs from the Corona virus that shut us all down again.

Good times!



Apparently the ladies at my local library were not only shocked by this outfit (that it wasn’t colour like I normally wear, but then I reminded them brown IS a colour) but thought I looked really good in it. It’s not bad, but I’m a cool tone, silver’s my metal.


The Face was back! Teamed with my new Czarina red heart cape and lots of gold jewels.


Back to cool tones in purps! And that’s purps as in purples, not perps as in perpetrators. Although…


Ran out for my boobscreen. I went casual! And then what happened in the same week…




Kermit the Frog, Unpigged! I added the matching bag later in the day.



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    1. Jewel Divas Style August 16, 2021 at 1:23 pm

      Yep, mum made me that cardi way back in 1990. I got the Kermit t-shirt not long after.


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