My Personal Collection: Black jewellery

Today is the last of my sets. These are the two sets I made from bits and pieces bought from ebay, craft stores, jewellery I had from ebay or chain stores. It’s amazing what you can make when you put your mind to it!

I bought these “disco beads” from ebay.

And made this set!

The colours are amazing when the light hits it.

I bought these beads from ebay as well.

This set came from ebay in a bulk lot I bought.

And together I made this! The necklace centrepiece and earrings studs were the set, I added the beads. Got the ring from ebay which was from a chain store and the bracelet I bought to wear on it’s own and realised it went perfectly with the set when I made it.
I then used the small black necklace in the second above pic, added these bits from my craft kit…

Bought these teeth from craft shop Spotlight for $2 each.

And along with the ring and bracelet that came from ebay (again, the bracelet was an after thought as I had already bought it) I made these earrings…

And this necklace. The pic’s not very clear but you get the idea of what it looks like. When my mum saw it she said, “can you take the bottom two off, it’s too long.” “I can’t,” I said, “it’s all joined!”

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  1. The Tote Trove November 22, 2011 at 3:26 pm

    Yep, I’m constantly amazed by what people make when they set their minds to it 🙂 It’s truly inspiring. I love the necklace layering in the last picture.

  2. Jewel Divas November 23, 2011 at 8:32 am

    Thanks. If only it was all this easy!


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