HEALTH & BEAUTY STYLE: My Cancer Clinic Visit


I had my yearly visit to the Skin Cancer Clinic this week, and just like last year I didn’t need anything cut off.

It’s kinda disappointing.

If I’d had something cut off I would have had some sort of scar and stitches to show you, but sadly, I don’t. 

Although you can see my scars from a few years ago here, and here.

It’s important to get your yearly check up when it comes to moles and melanomas. There are three kinds of skin cancer, BCC, SCC and Melanoma. The BCC, or Basal Cell Carcinoma, are the baby cancers, they will likely never kill you and are caught and cut off. SCC, or Squamous Cell Carcinoma, can be more serious, and of course, melanomas can and will kill you.

So don’t forget your sunscreen this summer and get to your local cancer clinic to get checked.


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