Castle, Murder She Wrote, and Crimes of Fashion

I’m kicking off book month here at JDS, which is going ALL month due to there being so many public holidays as well as the school holidays which I always take off for writing holidays anyways so I won’t be here, but will be on socials to post these posts, with the last of the goodies in these collections.


I FINALLY acquired the hardcover of the Ultimate Storm, the Derek Storm omnibus, along with all eight seasons of the tv show. The book cost $69.91 AU, and the dvds cost $81.40 for the lot. 


I am now done with the Castle series, unless the books are continued, and all in it has cost me $462.84.


I added these two Murder She Wrote books to the collection…


And finally managed to finish off the entire Crime of Fashion series. First in the trad pub house covers, of which you’ve seen the first nine before and now I’ve added the last two, and then in the self-pubbed covers Ellen’s reissuing them in via Amazon. All up they cost $322.82.



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  1. The Tote Trove April 12, 2021 at 12:48 pm

    Wow! Your house must be like a library! The Crimes of Fashion series looks especially compelling. I never met a pun I didn’t like; of these, Masque of the Red Dress is my favorite. 🙂
    The Tote Trove recently posted…Mad for Plaid, Psyched for StripesMy Profile

    1. Jewel Divas Style April 15, 2021 at 10:11 pm

      Oh, how I wish, Tote. Unfortunately most of them are packed away in boxes as we just don’t have the room.


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