BOOK STYLE: Book Depository bookmarks


I’ve bought  a lot of books from Book depository, and from 2014 they started sending bookmarks designed by their buyers. That’s right, people could enter a competition to design a bookmark that then got sent out to everyone who bought a book. I’ve amassed quite a few as the ones on the right are piles, not just one, I’ve ended up with about 10-20 of each of them and they’re for colouring in.

I think they’re great as collector pieces and the fact that BD gave everyone a chance to do it was awesome.

Have you guys bought from BD and how many bookmarks have you managed to collect?


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  1. The Tote trove November 8, 2016 at 3:52 pm

    Oooh, I used to love collecting bookmarks. They’re like jewelry for your books — what’s not to love? And how cool that you get to color these! We don’t have Book Depository around these parts. I get most of my books from Amazon and Target.
    The Tote trove recently posted…Puff Piece: Pompom WonderfulMy Profile

    1. Jewel Divas Style November 9, 2016 at 9:25 pm

      Book Depository is easy enough to buy from since it’s an online store. And what’s not to love about free bookmarks with every purchase!


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