MY PERSONAL COLLECTION: The fantastic blue clothes and jewels I bought over the holidays.

I bought so many clothes last year it’s almost disgusting. I said almost….lol.

But because I’ve had a cleanout it’s okay, I threw out almost as many I had bought, and here are the blue ones I did buy.


Most of it’s from millers, but then what else is new. The top tank tops were $15 and $10, the dress was $10 and kaftan top on the bottom which I also mentioned Wednesday was $35. The tropical print onesie came from Kmart on sale at $7, and the kimono from ebay for $5.37, but I’m not sure I’m keeping this.

Now onto the jewels.


The top bracelet came from a store here call Paper Scissors for $4.95, the rings from Lovisa and Equip were $$3.33 and $7. The bottom bracelet from Equip as well and $7.

Below are the creations I have made over summer. This next necklace I bought the pendant from Equip but thought it looked rather lonely on it’s own. So after buying some plastic chain on ebay, I pulled it apart, put it back together and voila! The total cost, $20.24.


This next bracelet stack I made to match my top. That’s the beauty of being a jewellery designer, we can make stuff to go with our clothes. I bought the zodiac charms from eBay and used beads already in my box. With a mixture of turquoise, pearls and crystals I think it turned out well. Now, I just need to get around to wearing the top….. The total cost, $5.10. Bargain!


As the first of my personal collection posts for the year where I show you what I buy, it also shows you that you can get great stuff at great bargain prices. There’s no need to buy full price any more and there’s certainly no need to pay exorbitant prices when you can get great bargains for great prices in most stores. And waiting for all the sales makes it even better because you can get anywhere up to ten things for $10.

But if you want to have a go at making your own jewellery, beware, the cost of buying the goods can make it expensive, but if you don’t care, go for it.

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