My Personal Collection: Pink jewellery

Today is my jewellery sets day.

These next two are sets in progress. I’m after more necklaces like the pink animal heart so I can turn them into earrings.

I’m after a bracelet and earrings to match these ebay bought beauties.

A cute little bus set from ebay.

And a tv set from a chain store. I turned two necklaces into earrings.


My heart set. Made the top bracelet, earrings and two necklaces. Bought the two other bracelets from ebay and the ring from a cheap store.

My butterfly set. The necklace was done differently but as I found bits and pieces, I added and remade. Bought the earrings and two smaller rings from chain stores. Made the bead and chain bracelets and bought the big one from ebay, along with the big ring.

My gold fashion set. Made the necklace, two rings, and bag bling along with the bottom bracelet. Bought the top three bracelets and earrings from ebay and then added the keys to those. All from bits and pieces on ebay.

Made these over the easter weekend. That’s what happens when you’ve got bags of beads lying around doing nothing.

This set has been in the making for ages. I could never find flamingo earrings in silver so I went with gold, turned two necklaces into earrings and bought it all on ebay.

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  1. The Tote Trove July 31, 2011 at 12:19 am

    What a lot of good stuff! I especially like the flamingo set, and the TV set, and the zebra heart set in the making. I think the earrings would really set off the necklace and bangle combo.

  2. Jewel Divas August 4, 2011 at 11:38 am

    Well I’m still looking, and I bought a pink panther cat ring on ebay so that will go with it.

  3. Apkamart March 30, 2020 at 5:10 pm

    Awesome collection !!!! Very beautiful and different type of collections are here. I like almost everything.


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