Today is Gold/Yellow day part 1. I have a fair bit of gold jewellery but most of it will come under the multi posts in a week or two.
Bead bracelets I made and the locket is silver and a present.
Bead bracelet I made over easter.
Samantha Wills Calypso earrings I got very cheap off ebay. As in the post last week, I don’t know if these are knock offs or the real thing. They look real and I love them and the cheap price I paid.
Leaf earrings I made to go with a black blouse which has gold leaves embroidered on it.
And assortment of earrings I’ve found over the years from cheap stores. The round men and cutlery cost $2 each, the geometric shapes $3 and the ladies $4. How cheap is that!
And assortment of heart jewellery. The necklace was from a big craft and fabric shop called Spotlight and I added to it. The bead heart bracelet came from an op shop for $2 and the gold brace came from ebay.
The rings both came from ebay. The one on the left is actually a knock off of the Empress ring by Samantha Wills and the one on the left is UK Topshop I think.