Today is the start of my blue jewellery and there is a lot of it so it’s going to take quite a few weeks to post everything.
Samantha Wills navy Glamazon bangle set off ebay. I have the jade and black which is coming in a future post, and am after the white set as well.
Gorgeous bracelet from ebay for about $3. Got the silver version as well.
Gorgeous stretch bracelet from a a chain store. I’ve never worn it, don’t know if I’ll ever wear it which is the way it goes when you have over 1000 pieces of jewellery. I’ll have to stack it!
When I bought a big load of stuff off ebay years ago I found the charm hanging off the end and the big blue stone bracelet. It was only half and I was never sure what to do with it so I added chain.
I got this off ebay years ago. Bamboo style I got a red, black and pink as well.