My Personal Collection: Blue jewellery

Today is my blue silver necklaces.

This was a present years ago.

I bought this years ago but have since remade it with better beads.

Made this, I LOVE IT. I found the perfume bottle in Spotlight, a craft store here in Aus, and had the key and heart leftover from something else. The beads are glass.

Got this from a chain store on sale for $5

Got the mirror from a chain store for $3 and the bird cage online before they even hit the shops. I’m sooo ahead of the trends!

My Beadiebot! This was the original I made years ago.

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  1. The Tote Trove October 5, 2011 at 7:27 am

    I love the little girl and perfume bottle necklaces. So whimsical!

  2. Jewel Divas October 5, 2011 at 9:21 am

    They are, and yet I haven’t worn most of them. Geez, I really have more than necessary.


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