1 – brush your hair
2 – style your hair
I am so utterly sick and tired of Gen Y girls living in the same hairstyle, the same colour, the same fake tan. They are so overdone it’s horrible and it makes them all look the same. Long limp hair, ill combed part, no style, no shape, no decent colour. It’s long, it’s not very nice and yet so many girls seem to have the exact same hair, regardless of what colour it is. Of course, there are many Aussies with the exact same hair. Maybe it’s a Gen Y thing?
Lara Bingle: Limp Lion

Morgan Fairchild: Lioness

Gen X had the big permed hair in the 80s/90s so maybe now it’s time for the limp lion. Just let it all hang down your back and in your face like crap. Year in year out. Barely doing anything with it, never looking like you’ve brushed it, you’ve just rolled out of bed and not to mention the extensions. Seriously, why do you all want to look the same?

Model, Megan Gale: Gorgeously styled Model, Jennifer Hawkins: Limp Lion

Kim Kardashian: Gorgeously styled Khloe Kardashian: Limp lion
Gen Xers grew out of it; clearly you’re just going to need time to grow out of it too.
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