If buying copies or replicas of jewellery designs doesn’t matter to you, then for a cheaper alternative to Samantha Wills’ Butter Bangles, buy them off ebay where you can get other colours and sizes.
Here are SW’s silver set which came out after cheaper ones were being sold on ebay
And the ones I bought off ebay not long after I went looking
Here’s her original gold ones
and my ebay bought ones
Here’s pink and green ones from ebay
There is NO difference in design, metals used or crystals.
If you hate being ripped off with big “designer” prices when the goods are made in a Chinese factory then head to ebay and look under “crystal hexagon bangle”, you’ll find them there, and use phrases like crystal bangle, rhinestone bangle etc.
If you’re into the design and NOT the designer, then buy them from ebay instead of the ridiculous prices designers charge for something made in the same Chinese manufacturing plant as everything else.
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