With December fast approaching it’s not only time off for me, I’ll be taking the whole of Dec and Jan off before coming back to blogging in Feb, but it’s usually my annual wardrobe audit, amongst a variety of other clean-outs.
Normally I’d do it all in December, but have had so many great ideas for storage, something one must think about, that I’ve been buying a few things to see if they’d work and thinking about how I can save money and get the most out of my space.
I’m already clearing out my wardrobe in even smaller steps by removing the things I don’t want or don’t fit ahead of time so I can see what space I have left. It’s a matter of finding time between doctors appointments and blogging. I’ll also be reorganising, with new space saving hangers and maybe some pretty boxes for hand bags and knits instead of the plastic bags they’re sitting in.
I’ve also sorted out all of my music stuff by selling off or donating cds to the library or op shop, cleared out old videos, dvds and even vynal records and cassingles and moved what I was keeping into a huge roller container.
Of course this isn’t everything. I still have dvds in the lounge room with the tv and a box of Nancy Drew dvds and videos in there as well.
Funny, that’s what happens when you get an ipod and put all your music on it, there’s just no need for old cds any more.
I’ve sorted out my old desk, which held my cds, (before pic below)
and reorganised all of my fashion, style, jewellery, accessory and Barbie books and bought cute printed boxes to stand them in so they don’t fall over and are easier to get to. I also sorted out many notebooks and style notebooks and placed them into boxes too. (after pic below)
So now, with the last two weeks of November, and the last two weeks of Jewel Divas Style, I have decided to tell you all how I do my annual audit and clean out and share my tips and tricks to auditing your wardrobe and updating your style.
The first week I’ll be covering topics such as when and how I audit, storage ideas, celebrity style, plus clothing personalities and colour combining and of course the most important thing, preparation! It’s important to be prepared.
In the second week I’ll cover the remove and check, organizing space and storage, refiling your wardrobe, wardrobe essentials and that last important step….which I’ll leave until the last post.
I hope you enjoy the posts and gain some knowledge from them. I have gained this knowledge over twenty years from reading and researching the professionals, my own organisational skills and seeing what works for me as everything changes over the years, plus my styling courses. Wardrobe audits can be a big thing and overwhelming to say the least, but once you’ve done it it’s so easy to keep it up, and doing a six monthly audit will be like water off a duck’s back.