MY STYLE: March 2020

March was a weird one. I ended up in the hospital for twelve hours and in pain one Sunday, and the corona virus has taken over with shops shutting, people freaking out, and life in general gearing up for a zombie apocalypse, so I could only be half-arsed to dress up in the second half of the month which is more than likely why I ended up wearing black and gold. And there were two other trips out that I couldn’t be bothered taking pics of, but then you really don’t need to see those outfits.



TOP: Crossroads from 2014 for $24.95

PANTS: Millers from 2014 for $18

SHOES: Frankie4 Sandals from 2015

JEWELLERY: Jewel Divas Pineapple set with eBay rings.



TOP: Crossroads from 2014 for $24.95

PANTS: Millers from 2014 for $15

SHOES: As above (wore them a lot this month)

JEWELLERY: Jewel Divas Elephant set



TOP: Millers from 2014 for $10

KIMONO: Millers from 2014 for $35

PANTS: Millers from 2015 for $10

SHOES: Django & Juliette from 2018

JEWELLERY: bangles from eBay, earrings from Equip


OUTFIT #4 – SHOPPING, LIBRARY (except it has shut due to dumb arse corona)

TOP: eBay from 2015 for $35 (originally from Autograph)

PANTS: As above

SHOES: As above

JEWELLERY: eBay necklace and bangles, chain store rings and earrings



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  1. The Tote Trove April 7, 2020 at 11:03 am

    I’m sorry to hear you were in the hospital and hope you’re okay. I love, love, love your pineapple jewelry. Also, your Egyptian top is badass.

    1. Jewel Divas Style April 7, 2020 at 12:19 pm

      Thanks, Tote. I’m fine, had a slight infection supposedly, but it was all due to my spine twisting in different directions and freaking my muscles out into spasms.


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