Welcome to the new and improved Jewel Divas Style on WordPress


A lot has happened in the last two months and this is the result, or at least one of them.

It all started with a two hour “mentoring” session with a supposed expert and while he reduced me to tears an hour and a half in, (he did nothing but ridicule and put me down with his brusque manner), it was certainly not what most would consider as mentoring. The only three good suggestions about the future of my jewellery business he gave me was to either move it to WordPress so I could use a back end much easier than Magento, to turn my business into a hobby, and to set up a MadeIt or Etsy store.

I did a lot of thinking after that session and besides thinking I never wanted to see him again, I realised that turning my business into a hobby would relieve a tonne of pressure I was and still am somewhat under. There would be no dealing with a website I couldn’t figure out, no dealing with a hosting company who didn’t care about helping me, no dealing with so many websites and social media.

It was time to cut and cull and sort everything out and get my business “house” in order.

I tracked down and found a new hosting company, started setting up this new site which has taken about a month or so now, deleted my MySpace account because they no longer gave me a choice, changed several social media urls and usernames to Jewel Divas Style, added my actual name to those sites as well so you know my name is Tiara King, made a new header pic and logo for all of those sites, and only kept what was needed or worthwhile, cutting it all down to ten social media in total, plus my MadeIt store and Bloglovin’.

I’ve considered Etsy but have read so many bad reviews about the way they treat their sellers I might give it a miss until they start an Australian branch.

I’ve even had all my domains transferred to my new hosting company so I don’t have to deal with Godaddy and Netregistry and everything is all in the one place.

I’ve uploaded all the pieces that will be for sale into three pages in the menu bar, jewellery, accessories and collections. You can have a look at what I’ve done and I will post about what goes up for sale in my MadeIt store in future. There is also a fabulous new collection coming in just weeks.

All I have to do from now is reorganise Bloglovin’, shut down my accounts with Godaddy and Netregistry, shut down my old Blogger blog, my old website, and leave the hosting company which will more than likely happen this week.

I’ve even had new shipping and business cards printed with brand new details and will be posting about them when they come in.

It’s back to business as usual for Jewel Divas Style, a new post or two everyday, and some dancing under that funky disco ball I have as my background image.

So thanks for following, thanks for reading and thanks for commenting.


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  1. Pingback: BUSINESS STYLE: I’ve lost my ABN, what does that mean for me and my business now? | Jewel Divas Style

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