Tax Time Shopping haul

In the prelude to a “what’s in my bag/I’m overhauling my bag” post, I’ve been buying up a lot of stuff, such as key rings and anything to do with crowns.

Tax time was June, but sales are still going and I managed to get this haul from a variety of stores.

TOP: the rainbow laptop bag is the second one I’ve purchased from Typo. I wanted a spare in case the first got wrecked. Silver crown stickers and pink and blue crown pens both came from cheap chain stores.


BOTTOM ROW: lips and unicorn badges from Typo, two blue bag blings from Colette, two blue and silver key rings from Kmart along with a green heart key ring. 

ON THE RIGHT: pink glitter nail file, pink glitter pencil/case, life saver cosmetic purse I plan on using in my bag.

BELOW: I needed to update my pencil and texta/marker collection (more on that in future). Mine are more than 30 years old and running out. I eventually decided on Faber Castell, since that’s what my original pencils and textas were, and found small sharpers as well. I also found gemstone and glittered star stickers, and a glittered compact mirror and a pair of pink crown tweezers.



What have you guys been stocking up on lately?


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  1. The Tote Trove August 28, 2017 at 3:56 am

    That rainbow laptop case is the best! And those jewel stickers? Perfect for you, Jewel Diva!

    As for me, I’ve been stocking up on shoes lately, cheap ones from Zulily. Thankfully, I’ve been ditching a lot of old pairs to make room.
    The Tote Trove recently posted…Zulily Zoo Singhs a Song for YouMy Profile

    1. Jewel Divas Style September 1, 2017 at 1:49 pm

      I know it Tote! I’ve bought shoes this year too. Haven’t gotten rid of as many though…


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