I often do this, especially if jewellery I buy, be it eBay or chain stores, are not made or put together properly.
It also means that you’ll have something that’s slightly different to everyone who might have the same thing.
So I bought three “bubble” necklaces on eBay, and many chain stores sell similar pieces but eBay is cheaper.
Black and White Bubble necklace as bought. You can see the jump rings are not together and the necklaces did not sit properly to begin with so they needed help.
I pulled it apart and made up White Howlite and black turquoise beads
joined them all together and here’s the end result.
Red, Blue and White Bubble necklace as bought
Red, blue and white necklace pulled apart with red faux pearl and blue and white howlite rondelles.
Put all together I think it looks fabulous! The beads match almost perfectly.
Pink, Blue and neon Yellow Bubble necklace
Pink, blue and yellow necklace pulled apart. Forgot to get a pic with the beads.
Pink, Blue and Yellow Bubble necklace remade the Jewel Divas way with star speckled beads!