Let’s Get Back To It! My Plans For 2019


Unlike last year, when I wrote the 2018 post for my plans, the last couple of months haven’t been too bad. Yes, I was super busy, and yes, the heat has been stinking hot, but for some reason, I’ve also been kinda okay.

I haven’t been sick, have some energy, probably thanks to starting my diet again in December, and losing weight before xmas, but I also got a lot done in the last month of 2018, and have done just as much in the first month of 2019.

I was busy running around before Xmas and that didn’t stop until Xmas Eve night. Thankfully, Xmas day was calm and peaceful and I had a bit of a break. I also shopped. A lot! A LOT!

Over the next couple of months I will show you what I bought in the before and after Xmas sales in store and online, and I have a general catch up on everything else.

Below is a full list of what I did on my holiday, and after that are my plans for the year. Once again the year will be busy getting books out and having edits done, so it’s going to be writer hectic.

Whether or not I’ll get my jewellery store up and running, I just don’t know. I still have to think about whether it’s better to set up its own website or keep it where it is, but that will cost money to sell and a website won’t. I’m just so busy with my books, that I don’t have the time or energy to check in on whether something has sold.

Either way, here’s what I got up to the last two months.


What I did over the holidays…


December 1 – started low calorie diet, also started wardrobe overhaul

December 2 – as above

December 3 – as above

December 4 – skin cancer clinic, had mole cut off right inner knee, continued wardrobe overhaul

December 5 – two doctor’s appointments, some shopping

December 6 – shopping, library, usual

December 7 – washing, housework

December 8 – chiro visit in the morning, started jewellery overhauls

December 9, 10, 11, 12 –  continued jewellery overhaul, cleaning, repairs, reorganising

December 13 – shopping, library

December 14 – washing, housework

December 15 – got stuff done

December 16 – xmas shopping, library

December 17 – continued stuff

December 18 – cancer clinic for stitches out. Borderline melanoma

December 19 – continued stuff

December 20 – shopping, chiro, library

December 21 – washing, housework, weighed self, lost 1 stone/6.5 kilos/14 pounds

December 22 – continued stuff

December 23 – as above

December 24 – ran out to get lunch and dessert, watched carols on tv and had munchies

December 25 – home, some work, sister came round

December 26 – some more work

December 27 – shopping, freakin’ hot

December 28 – washing, finished off all of the above

December 29 – as above

December 30 – as above

December 31 – watched New Year’s celebrations and had munchies

January 1 – started new publishing list for this year, weighed self, gained 3 kilos/7 pounds, back to diet

January 2 – sorted out diaries and finished off others

January 3 – shopping, freakin’ hot

January 4 – washing, stuff

January 5 – edited next novel, DeLuca

January 6 – as above

January 7 – as above

January 8 – shopped online

January 9 – edited DeLuca

January 10 – shopping, library

January 11 – washing, finished off stuff, got some blog posts scheduled and planned ahead

January 12 – edited DeLuca

January 13 – as above

January 14 – did back matter updating

January 15 – started Stefan pb edit, 300 pages

January 16 – continued Stefan edit

January 17 – shopping early as it was hot, library, more Stefan edit

January 18 – started scheduling blog posts

January 19 – went back to hand writing and wrote more of DeLuca

January 20 – as above

January 21 – had L.J. Diva blog migrated, dealt with some business

January 22 – finished editing the paperback proof of Stefan

January 23 – tried to get shit done online, holy hell it’s hot here. Tidied up last year’s blog posts.

January 24 – shopping, library, chemist, burgers for lunch

January 25 – washing, caught up on excess stuff and leftovers and dealt with website stuff

January 26 – back to handwriting more Deluca, finished off other things

January 27 – sister came over, some reading

January 28 – editing

January 29 – edited books and dealt with website stuff

January 30 – typed up rest of DeLuca

January 31 – shopping, library


What my plans for the year ahead are…


I always plan ahead with my book schedule, you have to, so you know what it is you’re doing. Not much for Tiara King this year, most of it’s L.J. Diva, with some T.K. Wrathbone following behind.


 (1) Under Tiara King I have these planned…

– 1 – see whether it will be worthwhile updating my two paperbacks, How To Be A Jewel Diva and Closet Confidential.

– I added style sheets to the interiors in 2018, which will also be given away for free as a download on my style website when people sign up to an email list once I get it done. I will re-release under my own imprint, but it’s a matter of whether I have time, and if I can get the damn newsletter/sign up happening.


– 2 – I still want to get my jewellery back into its own website. Selling has been on hold for the last few years due to money, time and energy. I’m still looking for wordpress templates that would suit the type of website look I want, but with everything else going on, this won’t happen for some time.


(2) Under T.K. Wrathbone I have these planned…

– 1 – The paperback version of last year’s stories is done and will be released in March 2019


– 2 – Get three stories written up, typed up, edited, and out along with an anthology, and do the e-covers.

– Release all four in October for Halloween.

– Get the paperback version done ready for release next year.


– 3 – Overhaul the website and give it a front page.


(3) Under L.J. Diva I have these planned…

– 1 – Put the next book, DeLuca through several rounds of editing

– Get it to my editor this month, and then edit some more.

– Get the cover finished, and release it as an e-book in March.

– Then comes the paperback interior and cover for release in September.


– 2 – Get the next book in the series, Spiros & Jenny, written in March

– Type it up through the year and put it through 3-4 rounds of editing.

– Send it off to my editor at some point in July or August.

– Release it in September as an e-book along with the paperback of DeLuca.

– Then comes the paperback interior and cover for a 2020 release.


– 3 – Start on the Porn Star Brothers Short Story Collection. At least get them written, and then they can be typed up through the months and edited.

I’m hoping to release them as boxed sets through 2020, that way I can write 10-40 pages per story, and not 40 pages per story, so they will get done quicker.


– 4 – I still want to re-release my four standalone novels.

The covers are nearly done, and I’ve nearly finished the interiors. All they will need is for the paperbacks to be proofed before release. Hopefully that will be by June, as that is my deadline for getting all four novels out to the public.


As you can see, not a lot to do this year overall, just following through with the rest of Porn Stars and the yearly T.K. Wrathbone stories, and finishing what was started late last year, my novels, which will soon be done, and then there are only three books left to move over to my publishing house name in paperback. Although all three are going to go through the updating process, and may not come out again until 2020, so that may be the plan for then.


So, what did you guys get up to over the holiday season and what are your plans for the year ahead?



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  1. The Tote Trove February 20, 2019 at 4:18 am

    Whoa. You are busy! Glad you’re feeling better. Godspeed with your books 🙂

    1. Jewel Divas Style February 20, 2019 at 5:59 pm

      Thanks Tote.


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