We’ve officially launched into blogging for 2025.
Things will continue the on the path I started last year. It’s a good plan. Only blogging fortnightly, or whenever.
My writing will still come first, as well as trying to promote myself and get my name out there, in the meanwhile, read about what I got up to over the last two months and I’ll see you next fortnight for my plan for the year.
1 – Finished up for the year with the chiro.
2 – Continued to lose weight after starting a medication in May to help.
1 – Did the usual December clean out…in August/September. Yep, I started earlier than expected, so by December I had my closet cleaned out and clothing and other stuff bagged up for the op shop.
2 – Did the paperwork of my clothing/jewellery/accessories audit and finished up.
3 – Bought some things, as I do every xmas, so will talk about those pretties in coming posts.
Social Mafia
1 – Wrapped up with the usual Christmas and new year posts.
2 – Sat down to consider the yearly social media posting schedule and blog planner.
3 – Took photos of my new books as they came in for blog posts.
1 – Updated the timelines and bios on my website and in my Media Kit. I had a few things to add to it.
2 – Sat down and did as much as I could, started a horror guide, laid out ideas and finished off other things.
3 – Started a horror guide to sell.
1 – Sorted the ever growing book collection in the spare room/office. Packed away the bits and pieces I bought through the year and updated the paperwork with the new items. Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden, Hardy Boys, Dana Girls, Linda Craig, Kay Tracey, and Connie Blair.
2 – Dealt with a flooded shower drain and the Housing Trust.
And now onto January!
1 – Got our blood taken for tests, and got mum to her appointments.
Social Mafia
1 – Bought goodies, took photos as they rolled in, and scheduled blog posts. Like this one!
2 – I sat down in January to add to the social posting schedule and came up with other ideas.
1 – Kept up with classes and courses on writing.
2 – Did edits of three books.
3 – Started on the cover design of one of the books.
4 – Contacted designers about covers for three stories and started those.
4 – Finished the horror guide.
5 – Re-released the e-books of my two non-fiction books, Jewel Diva and Closet Confidential with links for the free guide.
1 – Finished my yearly spending diaries.
2 – Dealt with heatwaves and headaches.
3 – Bought some after xmas goodies.
And so much more…
So, that’s what I got up to the last two months. What about you guys? What did you do for the Xmas New Year period?