Webster’s Pages mint and pink floral travellers notebook

Months ago I showed you the gorgeous Webster’s mint and pink floral planner I had bought and that I was using it for a fitness and health planner. Now, I decided to buy the matching travellers notebook to go with it, and I also tracked down some of the notebooks to go in it.


It came with a nondescript notebook already in it, so I added the three matching notebooks as well. Green and blue florals, and the pale pink gold floral.


I love matching sets, and I love gorgeous mints and pink florals as well. As usual, I won’t be using the notebook even though I do use the planner. I’m being extra careful with my planners so they don’t rip or tear on the bottoms.


What have you guys bought in sets lately?


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  1. Sally O June 18, 2018 at 7:39 am

    I have a weakness for tops in the same style but different colours. I bought two tops a while ago; one in aqua and the other in a soft green.

    1. Jewel Divas Style June 20, 2018 at 6:43 pm

      They are pretty designs, Sally, colours too. I have a variety of florals in my wardrobe.


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