I thought I’d start some new posts on Wednesday as not only a way to advertise what I have made over the years for sale, but what is currently on sale in my store. Each week will feature a piece and I’ll give some background on what it’s made of and the story behind it.

This week it’s the OUTLAW bracelet stack available here


Years ago when I did the Police Officer sets of earrings and bracelet I had many charms left over, just not enough beads to make extra sets.

Last year, after buying beads for other jewellery, I added up all the charms and made a huge chunky set, consisting of light and dark grey glass pearls, gunmetal silver crystals, yellow opaque beads, black glass beads, and big disco ball beads.

All beads and charms (guns, hand cuffs, police officers and cars, jails and badges) were bought from eBay, all bracelets were made here in Australia, so yes, it is definitely Australian made. 

It’s called OUTLAW because not only do the sets have names, such as Freeze, Gun Shy and Blue Bloods, it made me realise that while I had officer sets, there were no criminals, hence, OUTLAW.

It fits a 6-7 inch wrist because I always make my bracelets to fit my own wrist, which is a medium balance, and will fit most other people. I use 1mm strong jelly or bead elastic with multiple knots for security.

I find the best way to put elastic bead bracelets on is to simply roll them on so it doesn’t stretch the elastic and they last a lot longer.

I love making things that I can’t buy and making them big and chunky. The jewellery I make for sale ranges from petite and dainty to huge and chunky, trying to cover all sizes and shapes for girls and women of all sizes and shapes.

I personally prefer lots of bracelets, regardless of size, and I pile them on. Stacks and bangles all up my arms. I love jewellery and that’s the way I wear them, as many as possible.



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  1. The Tote Trove September 3, 2014 at 12:00 pm

    Fun, original theme. And how appropos that there’s gunmetal in there 🙂
    The Tote Trove recently posted…How Bazaar . . .My Profile

    1. Jewel Divas Style September 4, 2014 at 4:24 pm

      lol, didn’t even realise that Tote!


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