STYLE FAILURES: Gold Bomber Jacket doesn’t live up to the hype. Or the cost!

Style Failure all right!

I bought this gold bomber jacket way back in 2014. For the most part, it’s sat in my wardrobe. In 2015 I wore it in an outfit of the day but never actually wore it out. So, it’s just sat there doing nothing. In September, I got it out and wore it in this outfit.

During the day, I noticed little bits of fluffy stuff every time I moved my arms, but, I thought nothing of it. I went about my business shopping, going to the library, the chemist, the fast food outlet. And it wasn’t until I was packing up the car once I got home, that I saw those fluffy bits on the seat. I realised they were gold. And from my jacket.

“Oh crap!”

I rushed back inside and checked my jacket that I had thrown on my desk in the office/wardrobe room when I had gotten home with lunch. I was hoping for a little bit off the hem or something. But what I found shocked me, and I don’t shock easy. My jaw hit the floor and I shook my head in disgust and sadness. I would now have to throw out the jacket.


Because this happened.

I have no idea why no one said anything. I was standing in lines in front of people and no one.said.anything!

Thank God it was only $10.25. The original store price was $299. Yep, the price tag was in the pocket and I Instagrammed it. Well, that was that, it had to go in the bin. The sadness dissipated and I still want a gold jacket. But this time, I’ll get either a leather one, or material so this doesn’t happen again.

Here’s a closer look. The underarms are the worst.

Oh, the waste!

What have you guys bought that ended up in the bin after one wear?

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  1. The Tote Trove November 7, 2017 at 1:45 pm

    Wow. I’ve had jackets peel a bit after years of wear, and I thought that was sad. But to have this happen the first time out? Devastating! As you say, it’s not the money, but the disappointment that you thought you found something cool only to have to toss it. On the up side, your pineapple jewelry is incredible! I love the contrast of the neon green and yellow against the gold.
    The Tote Trove recently posted…Bat Out of Spell: Happy Halloween Sans the ScaryMy Profile

    1. Jewel Divas Style November 8, 2017 at 1:06 pm

      I was devastated, Tote. It’s horrible that no one said anything, god, how embarrassing.


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