So often lately a show will have two or three guests on at a time and the presenter has to contend with all of them at once.
But what annoys me is when the host will ask guest 1 a question and they start speaking, and then guest 2 or 3 will butt in with their opinion.
The host rarely stops them and tells guest 2 or 3 to stop interrupting as they had asked guest 1 the question and not them.
Too often guests will interrupt each other and it’s worse than the host interrupting, like Oprah, to talk about themselves.
We don’t get to hear what guest 1 was saying, which could be something really good or quite informative, and it’s bloody annoying.
I wish more hosts would jump in and tell the other guests to shut up and let guest 1 finish because it’s not their turn yet.
If only hosts did that, it would be so much more fun to watch TV!
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