PLANNER MONTH: Webster’s Pages Color Crush

This was the second planner I came across, and while I didn’t immediately fall in love with it, I eventually did. As usual, I was after a pink and blue planner. I’m yet to find a nice one that appeals to my nature, but once I got this planner in my hands, I fell in love.



It comes in this box, with a vellum cover sheet saying hello!


And once out of the box it astounds you with its vibrancy and small details.


The inside is just as posh looking, with its gold and white interior.


This is the planner I turned into my fitness and health planner because the colours match the Carpe Diem fitness pack I’m using. It’s slightly larger than normal large planners, so doesn’t yet fit on my shelf. But I am rearranging shelves to fit my future planners, so it will have it’s place. I used the fitness pack and decorated it with stickers.


I bought two cheap 2018 diaries from a local cheap store and pulled them apart. I cut them down and punched holes and they fit fine. I added My Prima Planner ice cream insert as this is my diet section.


At the back of the diet section I added some note paper which I cut down from unused notebooks I had, and after some trimming and punching, they fit fine as well.


The second section is a repeat of the first. It’s for my menstrual cycle where I have to write down when I do and when I don’t for my gyno.


I used the red dot My Prima Planner insert for this section.

I bought a whole bunch of red dots from eBay for a few dollars, and use them as a numbering system of 1-5, depending on how bad it is. I used the dots down one side and punched holes in one of the dot pages.

At the end of the section is one of the pocket dividers that came with the Carpe Diem fitness pack that I use for my doctors notes, as well as the rest of the red dots in one of the plastic insert pages I bought off eBay. I mentioned these in the Recollections post.


I also have my pill stickers behind the red dots. The third section is purely for writing down my health issues.


I also bought these Colour crush note paper inserts and dividers. I didn’t realise they would be small ones and don’t fit my planner. They do however, fit my Kikki K medium heart planner that I talk about in the next post. I’m not a fan of the size, but they are pretty.


Do you guys use a Color Crush planner, and what do you think of it?


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