Nikki Kathryn Planners and Updated Planner Shelf

I’m just getting around to talking about these now because I’m also showing you my updated planner shelf. 

Nikki Kathryn planners are gorgeous and pink and glittery. I made my first purchase from eBay when I bought the large for quite a bit less than retail. I then bought the smaller one from WashiGang.


This was my first from WashiGang, and I also bought travellers notebooks for my forth coming travellers notebook covers (the webster’s I’ve already shown and now my Nikki Kathryn is next in this post), I got glue pens to use in my goals/travel planner when I get around to doing that, and got the cat stickers and unicorn pen as freebies. Thanks Shannon.


Here she is, the Nikki Kathryn travellers notebook in all her pink glittery style which I bought from a planner group on Facebook. These are the travellers notebooks I chose to go with her. Keeping to the fashiony, pinkish, girly theme. Paris, of course.


I found the Kikki K Love Life pen goes perfectly with everything.


And here are the three Nikki Kathryn beauties together as one little family.


And here is my updated planner shelf. The big white and two little Happy Planners have been put somewhere else as it all wouldn’t fit. And I tried to get it in a colour scheme, from white to pink to blue to green. You’ll see some flamingos and unicorns in there somewhere. Aren’t they pretty!

Back of shelf – three happy planners, Kikki K Letters, Recollections flamingo, Nikki Kathryn large, Kikki K Wellness, Websters planners and composition


Front of shelf – Kmart compendium, Nikki Kathryn travellers and small planner, two zippered Recollections, four Kikki K mediums, Websters travellers.


The next step is to find more blue ones, mainly glittery, and then maybe I’ll be done.

What’s your planner shelf like?


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  1. Caroline Louise Mooney May 7, 2019 at 7:14 am

    I so need these. Where can I buy similar?

    1. Jewel Divas Style May 15, 2019 at 4:30 pm

      Caroline, head over to ebay, etsy or

  2. Sonya Kelly Benson September 12, 2022 at 11:14 am

    I know I am probably years behind but what happened Nikki Katherine and her planners? They seem to have all disappeared

    1. Jewel Divas Style September 12, 2022 at 11:58 am

      No idea, Sonya. I just did a quick google search after receiving your comment and I couldn’t find anything about them except for a couple of blog posts outside of mine.


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