MY STYLE: June 2022

June hit us with an icy blast so it was long sleeve tops and capes in a rainbow of colours to the rescue. Even The Face lurked out of hiding long enough to make an appearance before she slid back into the warmth of the house.

I bought some new jeans and all were on sale from Millers.



Sea green jeans that I matched back with this outfit – $20.


Long black bootcut jeans as seen here in the 3rd pic, as well as the 5th pic – $15.  


Blue jeans with flowers on the left hip and left butt pocket – $20.


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  1. the tote trove August 17, 2022 at 10:01 am

    Love these looks — and this opener! “June hit us with an icy blast so it was long sleeve tops and capes in a rainbow of colours to the rescue. Even The Face lurked out of hiding long enough to make an appearance before she slid back into the warmth of the house.” Wonderfully witty!
    the tote trove recently posted…The Desk Clerk’s Day OffMy Profile

    1. Jewel Divas Style August 17, 2022 at 4:38 pm

      It was freezing! I was with her. Way too cold to be out long.


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