My Personal Collection: Silver multi jewellery

Here are my silver multi sets part one, I have a few to get through.

My crosses. I got all the charms off ebay several years ago in a big bulk lot and got around to doing this.
My dragonfly set. The small necklace came from ebay and was actually three necklaces, but I combined them all together. The big necklace was two and I did the same thing. The earrings were the extra bits from the necklaces and the studs came with them. I bought the two rings and bracelets off ebay.

My butterfly set. Got the necklace off ebay with the ones in the above pic, made the necklace and chain bracelet. Bought the earrings from a store years ago but added the charms to match the other pieces. The stretch bracelet and large butterfly ring are from ebay and the smaller ring from a clothing store.

My bird set.1 I bought the birds from a chain store as earrings, added the beads and made the necklace and bracelet.

Birds.2. They both came from op shops and I got the earring for nothing because it was only one.

My angel set. Made the earrings, rings and necklace (far right) bought all the bracelets from ebay. I went through a faze years ago of suddenly needing angel bracelets and god things so I got these.

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  1. The Tote Trove March 28, 2012 at 12:54 am

    Ooh, hummingbirds and parrots. Two of my faves.


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