So here is the jewellery I’ve bought since last year.
Ebay earrings, gorgeous and long
A bracelet stack that I finally put together from other bracelets plus three from ebay.
A gorgeous hand bracelet from ebay
That goes perfectly with my two others from ebay.
A gorgeous summer pinky red from Equip for $5. I love this jewellery store, I can get so many bargains from them.
Another ebay bracelet. It was supposed to be a just a woman but all of them ended up being Audrey Hepburn. Which is a pity, but not a problem.
An ebay bangle.
And a gorgeous necklace I made from a bead necklace I already had and extra beads along with Thomas Sabo charms.
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I like the Audrey Hepburn bracelet. Her picture seems to make its way onto lots of accessories!