My Personal Collection: Red jewellery

Today is my Red jewellery part one. I have so many I’ve split it up over several posts.

Got the next three bracelets off ebay. I love ebay.

Made this cute lady bug bracelet. I had the beads lying around for a couple of years. I bought a big bundle cheap at my local craft store and didn’t know what to do with them. So back in January I got jewellery making happy and made this.

Bought this phoenix cuff off ebay. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! it. I’m currently looking for a matching ring.

Ebay once again. Several stones were missing and I ended up getting another one for free. I filled in the bits that were missing with glitter fabric paint and now I have two!

Velvet bangle from Target for $1.50. God how cheap!


Made the crystal beads and bought the stone ones off ebay.
Bought this from a chain store for $5. Currently, it’s the only big silver red ring I have. So I am actively looking for more.
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  1. Anonymous June 6, 2011 at 11:41 am

    I’ve been looking for that red phoenix cuff bracelet for quite some time.
    Would you mind telling me which ebay user was selling it?

  2. Jewel Divas June 7, 2011 at 4:07 pm

    Just look on ebay for red phoenix bracelet.


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