MY PERSONAL COLLECTION: New Green and Yellow clothes and jewels

Regardless of the fact I started stripping my closet bare of all old clothes, these are newer pieces I’ve recently bought, and fantastic they are too.

Missoni for Target came to Australia last year but sadly, not at my local Target. While my area probably has a good few hundred thousand people living here the head honchos clearly didn’t deem us “Missoni worthy” and didn’t bother having the clothes in store. Only recently have they bothered with linen and crockery, but not clothes. 

So, when I saw them drastically reduced in their online store I had to buy some. 60% off was a big drop and I decided to buy three pieces in my favourite colours and styles, hoping they’d fit. Buying online can be an issue due to not trying them on, but luckily Target realises this and sends you a return receipt for putting on the envelope you send them back in, alternatively, you can return them instore.

I bought the overcoat, top and a kaftan (right) which I loved on the screen, but sadly, when I saw it in real life the colour did not suit my colouring so back it went.

JDS - MISSONI FOR TARGETI also got a fabulous tropical print tank from Millers for $10. The Missoni pieces suit me better because of the teal colouring. The top is so lightweight but needs a slip tank underneath and the overcoat is knitted and silky but lightweight as well. They also go together as a set. The top was $35 on sale and the coat $40, down from $119.

JDS - GREEN CLOTHESNow onto gold clothes and the only bargain that’s worth mentioning (but also the only piece I bought). On the way home from the skin cancer clinic last year we stopped at the local Salvation Army and I found a gold coat. It wasn’t until I got home and mum was looking through the pockets that she found the original price tag. Check out the original price, and I got it for $10.25, talk about bargain.


Now onto jewellery. The green bracelet was $5 on sale from a new store to my area called Paper, Scissors. With a name like that I thought it was going to be a stationery shop but it’s a clothing store. The yellow earrings are from Lovisa and was $5, the ring from Lovisa as well for $3.33.


Next up is the set I made over summer. It took awhile while I was waiting on each lot of findings and charms so I made bits and pieces as they came in. I bought 6 pineapple pendant necklaces and they are huge. I bought plastic chain bracelets which I pulled apart and then remade into a necklace and two bracelets. I also found small gold charms from Lovisa for $1 each and a couple of pairs of earrings for $3.33 each. I raided my bead containers and made up the bracelets while waiting for the necklaces to come in.


As you can see below I added three of the pendants to the necklace and left one as a single because it was meant to go onto the bracelet set but was too big and too heavy to swing around. I made the big earrings and then had a smaller pair left over which I added beads to to make them longer so I had a smaller, lighter pair to wear as the big pineapples are too heavy to wear for too long. The other pair was put on the chain bracelets and the smaller charms on the beaded bracelets. As you can see the whole set goes perfectly well with the top which I bought from Crossroads for $24.95 last year. The iridescent colours of the crystals shimmy in the light for an extra shiny effect.


I love making jewels to go with clothes I buy, next will be an owl set for myself as I made one for mum years ago but late last year bought myself an owl top so stay tuned for that.

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