I’ve just recently caught up with 3 years worth of Nancy pc games because two come out per year and it’s just cheaper for me to get several together. But this time I was able to get all 6 plus physical (which have now sadly come to an end) and now digital strategy guides all from Her Interactive.
Thankfully they now ship to Australia as they never have before, so it made it easier, AND I got 25% off the games as a Christmas present.
Below are the covers (front and back) of all 6 games, plus see the embossed cover of Queens’ Tomb, they don’t seem to make them like that any more!
Depending on the size the games came, retail box or dvd box, I’ve been able to either keep the strategy guides in the boxes with the games, or now slide them into the dvd box so they won’t get lost. but as I said above, the physical guides have been discontinued due to costs. Some games, as below, also come with puzzle postcards, something H.I. used to put in years ago and they still pop up from time to time.