MY OBSESSIONS: Jem and The Holograms Are Back!


Back in my life that is…

After the bomb of a 2015 movie, which no one has discussed since, Jem made a resurgence with a few places making tie-in products to go with it as fans waited with dripping anticipation after the announcement of the movie, only to be disappointed with the fact it was nowhere near what the origin of Jem was.

So I am here to present to you my brand new spiffy Jem and the Holograms (and Pizzazz) goodies, albeit, about five years after they came out because HELLO like I knew they even existed all the way over here in little old Aus!


My Pop Funkos of Jem and Pizzazz. Now, for some reason, they called Pizzazz Pizzazz Gabor, but everyone knows she’s just Pizzazz, the alter ego of Phyllis Gabor. Either way, there are super cute and cost me about $25 AUD each.


Here are the Hallmark keepsake and light up earrings. The Keepsake cost me $54.51AUD online, yikes.


And the earrings were $20.71 AUD from eBay. They light up and flash like the real ones, and it comes with a little booklet.


What I’m lusting after and am in need of…

Now, there were other things, such as a Scholastic movie tie-in book with a poster, and Sephora who put out a line of Jem Makeup which I DO NOT HAVE! but am trying to find.

God, I wish I knew about these at the time.


You have a compact, lipstick, gloss set, eyeshadow set, and hair dye that I’ve seen so far.

So, if anyone knows were I can get them, LET ME KNOW!


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  1. The Tote Trove August 13, 2020 at 6:31 am

    Ahhhhhh, this first pic is everything! The minute I saw it I was psyched! I never saw the 2015 movie but didn’t hear good things about it either; it looked like quite a departure from the Jem we know and love. Anyway, congrats on your merch scores! I love the ornament, and the flashing earrings are amazing. Also, you absolutely have to find that makeup. It’s totally outrageous!! 🙂
    The Tote Trove recently posted…Vibe of the Vest, Punky Knows BestMy Profile

    1. Jewel Divas Style August 13, 2020 at 5:43 pm

      Absolutely. I must have it!


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